Susan Abbey is a Board Certified Document Examiner by both the Board of Forensic Document Examiners and the National Association of Document Examiners. She has been serving clients on matters of questioned or forged documents since 1997. She is Court Qualified and testifies for both plaintiff and defense on civil and criminal matters in State and Federal Courts as a documents and handwriting expert or questioned document witness.

In addition to being a Board Certified Document Examiner by both the Board of Forensic Document Examiners and the National Association of Document Examiners, Susan Abbey has many court qualifications and areas of specialization. To view a complete summary of background information and qualifications, click below.
Case Types
Forensic document examination is used in a wide variety of case types including verification of signatures on wills or contracts, the identification of anonymous notes, corporate fraud alterations and criminal matters. To get more information on the different types of cases Susan Abbey can assist you with, click below.
What you’ll Need
It is good to have between 12 and 25 signatures for comparison. Some cases require more, and some cases can be determined with fewer. To find out more about the documentation necessary to do a proper examination, click below.